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Macros are executed whenever the sequence "[[!name]]" or "[[!name arg1="1" arg2="2"...]]" is found in a source page.

Webber itself doesn't define any macros, that's your task. Use custom Plugins for this.

Defining macros 

A macro is a simply python function which returns HTML. The function needs to be decorated with "@set_macro(name)". There's an example in skeleton.py, which looks like:

def sample_macro(params):
        if cfg.test_verbose:
                print "in macro skeleton.sample_macro, params:", params
        return "{ output of sample macro }"

If you call this macro, the returned text "{ output of sample macro }" will end up in your HTML file.

Inside the macro, you can access this parameters:

You can submit additional string arguments, e.g. with "[[!sample arg1="string"]]". Now you get additionally:

