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You can call functions only from Mako templates, not from pages. If you need the latter, look at Macros.


Modified ${format_date(mtime)}

List of functions 

Here's list of functions defined by webber and it's default plugins:

format_date(timestamp, format) 

Takes a timestamp (seconds since 1st January 1970) and converts it into a string.

"format" is optional. If not used, "cfg.date_format" will be used. Otherwise it should be a format-string as documented by "man strftime". For example, "%Y-%m-%d" stands for year-month-date.

Defined in webber.py.


Returns the current date/time as a string.

"format" is optional. If not used, "cfg.date_format" will be used. Otherwise it should be a format-string as documented by "man strftime". For example, "%Y-%m-%d" stands for year-month-date.

Defined in webber.py.


Returns the breadcrumbs as "(page, link)" tuples, where "page" is a "class File"-object and link is a relative link from the current page to "page".

Defined in hierarchy.py, where you find an example.


Returns the current "class File" object.

Defined in webber.py.


Returns a list of up to 10 pages below the specified page. If you don't specify a page, the current page will be used. For each page, you'll get a "(page, link)" tuple back, where "page" is a "class File"-object and link is a relative link from the current page to "page".

Defined in hierarchy.py, where you find an example.


Returns a menu for the current page. For each page in this menu you'll get back a "(level, part_of_path, is_current, page, link)" tuple, where "page" is a "class File"-object and link is a relative link from the current page to "page".

You'll need to specify "root" if your top-most page isn't named "Home".

Defined in hierarchy.py, where you find an example.

get_linear_sitemap(root, level) 

Returns all pages as "(level, page, link)" tuples, where "page" is a "class File"-object and link is a relative link from the current page to "page".

You'll need to specify "root" if your top-most page isn't named "Home".

The "level" will by default start at 1.

Defined in hierarchy.py, where you find an example.


Returns an unsorted list with the hierarchy of the table-of-contents.

Defined in toc.py, where you find an example.

Writing functions 

A function is a simply python function which returns HTML. The function needs to be decorated with "@set_function(name)". There's an example in skeleton.py, which looks like:

def sample_func():
        if cfg.test_verbose:
                print "in macro skeleton.sample_func"
        return "{ output from sample function }"

Inside your template, you can call the function without parameters or with arbitrary parameters, like this:

${func(a=1, b="test")}

Inside your function you can access this as ...