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Configuration happens either via Command line options or with the configuration file (described below). All configurations are subject to Configuration inheritance. You can also overwrite any of them on a per-directory and/or per-file basis.

Config file format 

Webber expects file named "webber.conf" file in the root directory. It could look like this:

template: "default"
date_format: "%d.%m.%Y"
plugins: [
plugin_dirs: [

Options for the Command line options can also be specified in the config file:

in_dir: "in"
out_dir: "out"
style_dir: "in/style"
verbose: 5

Webber's configuration 


Directory, where the source files (in markdown, rst or html format) reside.

Default: "in".

See Command line options.


Directory where webber creates the output files.

Default: "out".

See Command line options.


Directory where webber reads the Mako templates.

Default: "in/style".

See Command line options and "template".


Used by Mako templates to select the template.

Default: "template"


Encoding (e.g. 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1' etc) used when reading source pages.

Default: "iso-8859-1"


Encoding (e.g. 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1' etc) used when writing the final HTML pages.

Default: "iso-8859-1"


List of Plugins to load.


List of directories that should be search for Plugins. Can be empty or completely omitted.


List of directories below "in_dir" to skip.

Default: "[]"


List of files below "in_dir" to skip.

Default: "['webber.conf', 'directory.conf', '*.tmpl']"


Used in format_date(). The format is the same as in "man 2 strftime".


How verbose webber should be.

See Command line options.


If webber should continue after an error.

See Command line options.

Plugin's configuration 

Many Plugins can use custom options. Read more about them in their documentation.

User defined configuration 

Beside those entries, you can specify any additional entries that will then be available in user-defined Plugins, Functions, Macros or Mako templates. For example, after adding:

category: "Webber"

you can access in Mako templates with:

<p>Category: ${page.category}</p>

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