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Command line options

Note that command line options can also be specified via Configuration.

Invoke help 

As usual, you can get command line help with "-h" or "--help":

$ webber/webber --help
usage: webber [options]

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -i DIR, --in=DIR    input directory
  -o DIR, --out=DIR   output directory
  --style-dir=STYLE   directory with style sheets
  -v, --verbose       print status messages to stdout
  -k, --keepgoing     keep going past errors if possible
  -V, --test_verbose  print status messages to stdout

Input directory 

"-i" or "--in" defaults to "in" and specifies where webber search for source files.

You can access this via "cfg.in_dir" (or "file.in_dir", see Configuration inheritance).

Output directory 

"-o" or "--out" defaults to "out" and specifies where webber writes the output files.

Template (Style) 

You can define the style of the generated website via HTML templates. If you have more of them, you switch between different ones via "--style-dir". The default is "in/style".


A common option is "-v" (or "--verbose") to increase the verbosity. Repeat to increase even more.

Continue on errors 

With "-k" or "--keepgoing" you can tell webber to ignore errors in one page and continue with the next page.